Indian Barista Champion 2022, Mithilesh Vazalwar, is currently in Melbourne to take part in the World Barista Championship which starts on 27th of September. He is also the Founder and CEO of Corridor Seven Coffee Roasters.

Mithilesh who was on his way to becoming a Chartered Accountant decided to shift gears and went into the coffee business seven years ago. With just one group of CA Final exams left, having cleared the CA Foundation and Intermediate exams, it seems that Milthilesh literally woke up and smelled the coffee! We spoke to Mithilesh to know more about his interesting journey.
Mithilesh is a Coffee Q-Grader (Internationally recognised professionally skilled in sensory evaluation of green coffee) Coffee Roaster, Cupper and Trainer. He is also the First Indian Aeropress Champion and the first to represent India at the World Aeropress Championship (W.A.C.).

The Melbourne World Coffee Championships (WCC) which includes the World Barista Championship and the World Brewers Cup will have more than 100 national champions and competitors participating. India’s 2019 Barista Champion Santhosh is also taking part in the competition this year as he could not attend the competition in 2019.