In a free-flowing interview, Pallavi Sinha, who was the only Indian origin candidate for the Liberal Party at the 2019 NSW State elections, spoke about her journey with The Australia Today‘s Editor Pallavi Jain.
She told The Australia Today that she “always wanted to fight and stand up for what is right”.
During the last elections, Ms Sinha assisted candidates in areas such as Parramatta and polled the second highest personal votes which assisted the eighth Upper House Coalition candidate to be elected.

Ms Sinha is a Lawyer and Notary Public and Co Chair Liberal Party Friends of India. She is also actively involved in advocacy work in areas such as small business, education, Gender and social cohesion.

She was also among those from the Hindu community in NSW who contributed to legislative reform that protected the rights of Hindus to display the sacred Swastika.
Catch Pallavi Sinha’s full interview here: