Regional Victoria will be released from lockdown from tonight at 11.59 pm, and go back to the same settings as on Thursday last week.
Regional Victorians will be able to leave their homes for any reason and there will be no limit on the distance travelled from home. But people will only be able to travel to Melbourne for a permitted reason and must follow Melbourne restrictions.
Visitors to the home are still banned, however, outdoor gatherings of up to 10 people is allowed.
However, you still need to wear a mask indoor and outdoor as community sports is also back on track.

Premier Daniel Andrews said, “It’s good news for regional Victoria at the same time let me tell you, No Melbourne resident is allowed to travel to regional Victoria unless they are permitted to do so.”
“We’ve always said the moment it’s safe to lift restrictions we will. While we continue to get on top of this outbreak in Melbourne, minimal primary close contacts and no new cases means we can ease setting in regional Victoria”
Food and hospitality will open for seated service only, a density requirement of 1 person per 4sqm will apply, with a maximum of 100 people per venue. Venues smaller than 100sqm can have up to 25 people before density requirements apply.

Retail can also open and personal services such as beauty and tattooing can resume. Face masks can be removed where required for the service to be performed.

Religious gatherings and ceremonies are allowed, with density requirements of 1 person per 4sqm, and no more than 100 people total indoors and 300 people outdoors per venue.

Weddings and funerals are also able to have up to 50 people at a venue. This limit doesn’t include infants under 12 months of age, or the people required to conduct the service.

Community sport is open for all ages, including training and competition. Only the minimum number of participants (players, coaches, referees, officials, and carers or parents) needed to train or compete are permitted to attend, subject to a density quotient of 1 person per 4 sqm. Spectators are not permitted.

Entertainment venues can have up to 300 people per outdoor space with a density requirement of 1 person per 4 sqm and a cap of 100 people per space indoors. All entertainment facilities are required to have a COVID Check-in Marshal to monitor patrons checking in with the Service Victoria app.

While a stay at home orders remain in metropolitan Melbourne, we need to ensure the virus does not travel into regional Victoria. Businesses that are open in regional Victoria but closed in Melbourne – restaurants for dine-in service or beauty for example – must check the IDs of everyone they serve.

All regional Victorians need to continue with their COVIDSafe behaviours – most importantly to get tested immediately if they have any symptoms at all and get vaccinated if it’s their turn.
To book a vaccination at one of Victoria’s state-run clinics visit