
Intuitively guided to visit many energy points including Blue Mountains and Lion Island in Australia

Saint Nakkīrar's Tamil literary work Iraiyanar Akapporul further gives information about the three Tamil Sangams which existed during the Kumari Kandam period.

Rejith Kumar from Thrissur, Kerala in India is a Spiritualist, Healer, Geomancer, and a Mystic traveller who apart from spiritually healing people, has the ability to balance energies of homes and work-areas both directly as well as remotely.

He has benefited many people worldwide with his abilities which he received as blessings from his spiritual guides who have guided him to serve humanity in this way. In the course of his spiritual quest, he has been guided to visit many energy points which are related to the lost continent of Lemuria or Kumari Kandam.

The words “Kumari Kandam” first appear in Kandha Puranam, the Tamil version of Skanda Purana written by Sri.  Kachiappa Sivachariar of Kumara Kottam, Kanchipuram. The ‘Andakosam Padalam’ (Andakosam Section) of Kandha Puranam describes the following cosmological model of the Universe:   

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There are many worlds, each having several continents, which in turn, have several kingdoms. The ruler of one such kingdom, King Bharata (Bharathan in Tamil) had eight sons and one daughter. He divided his kingdom into nine parts, and the Kingdom ruled by his daughter Kumari came to be known as Kumari Kandam after her. Kumari Kandam is described here as ‘The Kingdom of Earth’.

The commentary was written by Saint Nakkīrar for the Tamil literary work Iraiyanar Akapporul further gives information about the three Tamil Sangams which existed during the Kumari Kandam period. These assemblies consisted of Tamil scholars and poets who researched the Tamil language and created many literary works. They considered Kumari Kandam to be the cradle of the Tamil civilization.

Rejith Kumar says he was intuitively guided to visit many energy points in various countries through visions. These would give him the necessary clues as to the identity of the location. Some of which include – Russia, China, Thailand, the Mac Ritchie Reservoir (Singapore), Blue Mountains and Lion Island (Australia), Dragon Hill and Silbury Hills (U.K.), Plaine de Sables and Piton de la Fournaise (Reunion Island), Khamrin Khiid Monastery (Mongolia), Fushimi Inari Temple (Japan), Kathirkamam (Sri Lanka), Tiger Nest (Bhutan), Pura Besakih Temple (Bali), Aivar Malai, Anjaneyar Malai, Kannivadi Hills, Poombarai, and Ujjain (India).

Rejith Kumar claims that he was divinely guided to receive specific energies such as the Panchabootha Energy, Sapta Rishi Mandalam or (Big Dipper) Energy, Pleiades or (Karthika) Constellation Star Energy, Swastika Energy, and Mother Tao Energy from the various energy points to facilitate in his performing future duties.

Rejith Kumar shared some of the interesting revelations he had received during his visit to the energy points. They include:

  • The Mac Ritchie Reservoir (Singapore) – He says that this is a sacred energy point that existed during the Kumari Kandam period and possesses Lord Shiva’s energy i.e. the Divine Masculine or ‘Yang’ energy is represented here as the Formless energy of the Universe -. The Pancha Bhootha Energies i.e. the power of all the 5 elements – Air, Water, Fire, Earth, and Sky are present here). The Divine Feminine Energy or the ‘Yin’ Energy is represented here as Divine Mother Tao in Her manifested form. The two powerful energies connect at the Mac Ritchie Reservoir and the Swastika Energies can be found at their center point. It was revealed to him that ‘Swastika Energy’ had been used by the Kumari Kandam ancients for time travel. Lord Nandikeshvar is the guardian of this sacred place and if one were to pray to him and then visit and meditate they would receive sufficient blessings that would enable them to advance in both material as well as spiritual aspects.
  • The Silbury Hill in the U.K. has a Muruga Yantra. This was placed there by Sage Agasthiyar.
  • Dragon Hill in the U.K. is considered to be a gateway to the other worlds
  • Lion Island at New South Wales, Australia, holds information regarding Kumari Kandam and Mars
  • The sand present in Kathirkamam (Sri Lanka) is not from Earth but outer space.
  • The Karthika or Pleiadian energy is present especially in Blue Mountains, Australia.
  • Anjaneyar Malai near Pazhani in India is said to possess abundant Karthika or Pleiadian energy.

According to Rejith Kumar, the Pleiadian or Karthigai energies have been flowing in full abundance on Earth since the year 2013 and this being a preparation for the shift in energy consciousness on Earth. He further shares that the Earth has an astral or energy body and changes have to be first made to it before it can manifest positive changes at a physical level and it was for this reason he was directed to go to specific energy points.

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He concludes by sharing his spiritual journey is closely related to the sacred place Pazhani in India and reveals that it was Lord Muruga who directed him in his travel to the energy points and revealed their spiritual significance.

In 2017, he was guided by Lord Muruga to start a spiritual mission called the ‘Lion Mayura Royal Kingdom’ (LMRK) which would serve as a global platform to carry out future duties.

Rejith Kumar is blessed by Lord Muruga that the souls who carry the Kartika or Pleiadian Energy would automatically be drawn to the mission to help effect positive changes in the world under His divine direction. It is significant to note that 1500 members from 15 countries have voluntarily come together for this sacred cause.

To know more about the LMRK Mission, you can visit their website – www.lionmayura.org.

Author: – Mrs Sowmya Nikhil

Disclaimer: The views expressed are of the authors own and not of The Australia Today or her employer.
