Proud parents and grand parents often like to post and share pictures of their kids on social media.
Cyber criminals around the world are always on the prowl for their next target – a photo of your loved one.

New research figures as it reveals that children’s online safety issue is emerging as a top concern among parents and teachers in the new school year.
If you are planning to post back to school photos of your kids online, please consider the following:
- The kind of information you’re giving out to others;
- Choose strong privacy settings;
- Only share images of your child with people you know and trust;
- Make sure your friends and/or family know your preferences about uploading pictures;
- Do not tag or provide the confidential location of the child’s home or school; and
- Review your ‘friends’ or ‘followers’ on all social media accounts and remove anyone you don’t know.
For more information, ThinkUKnow Australia visit
ThinkUKnow is a free, evidence-based online safety program that provides presentations to Australian parents, carers and teachers and students.

Or, just watch this video by Internet Matters, a not-for-profit organisation.
This organisation has a simple purpose – to empower parents and carers to keep children safe in the digital world.
Remember that not everyone on social media will be who they say they are. Some just lurk around to gain your private or personal information.
One of the scariest things you can go through is having your child’s photograph shared by wrong hands.
It would be good if you can put your child’s digital well-being at the top of your ‘back to school’ list.